Epistaxis (Nose Bleed)

Epistaxis, commonly known as a nosebleed, is the bleeding from the tissues inside the nose. It can be a common occurrence and can vary in severity from minor to severe.


  1. Trauma:
    • Nasal Injury: Accidental injuries or trauma to the nose.
    • Nose Picking: Habitual picking or scratching of the nasal lining.
  2. Dryness and Irritation:
    • Dry Air: Low humidity or dry indoor environments can dry out the nasal mucosa.
    • Allergic Rhinitis: Chronic irritation from allergies can contribute to nosebleeds.
  3. Nasal Conditions:
    • Nasal Congestion: Due to infections, sinusitis, or colds.
    • Nasal Polyps: Benign growths in the nasal passages.
    • Deviated Septum: Can cause localized irritation and bleeding.
  4. Infections and Inflammation:
    • Sinusitis: Inflammation or infection of the sinuses can lead to nosebleeds.
    • Rhinitis: Inflammation of the nasal lining due to allergies or infections.
  5. Environmental Factors:
    • Smoke Exposure: Irritation from smoke, including tobacco smoke.
    • Pollutants: Exposure to chemicals or pollutants that irritate the nasal lining.
  6. Medications:
    • Nasal Sprays: Overuse of decongestant or steroid nasal sprays.
    • Anticoagulants: Medications that prevent blood clotting can increase bleeding risk.
  7. Medical Conditions:
    • Blood Disorders: Conditions such as hemophilia or von Willebrand disease can affect blood clotting.
    • Hypertension: High blood pressure can contribute to nosebleeds.


  • Bleeding: Blood coming from one or both nostrils.
  • Mild to Severe Bleeding: Ranging from a small trickle to a heavy flow of blood.
  • Feeling of Congestion: Blood may cause a sensation of blockage or pressure in the nose.
  • Swallowing Blood: Blood may flow down the back of the throat.


  1. Medical History and Physical Examination:
    • Assessment of symptoms, potential triggers, and any underlying conditions.
  2. Nasal Examination:
    • Inspection: Looking inside the nose to identify the source of bleeding and any underlying conditions.
  3. Blood Tests:
    • To evaluate for blood disorders or assess overall health.
  4. Imaging Studies:
    • CT Scan: May be used if there is a suspicion of a structural issue or to evaluate for underlying conditions.


  1. Maintain Moisture:
    • Humidifiers: Use a humidifier in dry environments to keep nasal passages moist.
    • Nasal Saline Sprays: Regular use to keep the nasal lining hydrated.
  2. Avoid Irritants:
    • Reduce Exposure: Minimize exposure to smoke, pollutants, and allergens.
    • Avoid Nose Picking: Practice good nasal hygiene to prevent trauma.
  3. Manage Underlying Conditions:
    • Control Blood Pressure: Regular monitoring and management of hypertension.
    • Address Blood Disorders: Proper management and treatment of conditions affecting blood clotting.
  4. Safe Use of Medications:
    • Follow Instructions: Use nasal sprays and medications as directed to avoid overuse.


Epistaxis can be a common and often manageable condition, but it can sometimes indicate underlying health issues or require specific treatments. Addressing the cause of the nosebleed, along with proper first aid and medical management, can help prevent recurrence and ensure effective treatment. If nosebleeds are frequent, severe, or accompanied by other symptoms, seeking medical advice is important to identify and address any underlying conditions.